
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

notes from Colossians class - my day to teach!

Colossians 2:4-7 Legalistic moral-ism vs. Christianity

Read Colossians 2:1-8

A few highlights from earlier passages
2.2 – mentions full assurance – last time I taught we talked about the assurance of salvation for believers which rests in Christ’s sufficient work done for us, not in our own good works to save ourselves

2.3 – Paul stresses “knowledge” in this letter because he is refuting a heresy that emphasized secret/hidden knowledge as a means of salvation (think Kabala or Scientology)

Charles: Read 1 Tim 3:16 for a biblical definition of mystery (which is the incarnation of God in Christ)

2.3 – treasures – false teachers threatened the Colossian Church and claimed to possess a secret wisdom and transcendent philosophy available only to the spiritual elite. In sharp contrast, Paul declared that all the richness of truth necessary for salvation, sanctification and glorification is found in Jesus Christ, who himself is God revealed in flesh

Sandy: Read 2 Corinthians 3:4-5 (sufficiency in Christ)

2.4 – so that no one may delude you – Paul did not want the Church of Colossae to be deceived by the persuasive doctrines of false teachers, which assaulted the person and work of Christ. That is why chapters 1-2 stress Christ’s deity and his sufficiency both to save believers and raise them up in spiritual maturity.

Now, I know that delude and dilute are different words but think about this analogy:
Imagine that sound Biblical doctrine is a large glass of blood red Kool-Aid and what false teachers do over time with their doctrine, philosophies and ecumenical/unity teachings is pour out the Kool-Aid and replace it with plain tap water.
So what happens over time?
Their message becomes less and less about the red blood of Christ that saves you, and looks more and more like every other works based religion’s clear glass of tap water.
That’s the goal of false teachers to chip away at the uniqueness of the Christian faith like a stonemason until Christianity looks like every other world religion.

2.5 – absent in the body – we need to remember that Paul is not lounging in a palace somewhere or off teaching in a seminary, he’s a prisoner of Rome (in bondage) when he’s writing this letter and even though he’s not able to be present with the Colossae Church this does not lessen his concern for them and their faith, instead of his own persecution.

The terms he uses “the good order” (referring here to the relationships between one another in the Church) and “firmness” (or being grounded in the Gospel of faith) were both Roman military terms referring to a solid rank of soldiers ready for battle – like that old church song Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before. Christ the royal Master, leads against the foe, forward into battle, see his banners go.

2.6 – walk in Him – is a familiar NT term denoting the everyday life of a believer

2.7 – not a faith but the faith – the objective since used here stresses the truth of Christian doctrine. Spiritual maturity develops upward from the foundation of biblical truth as taught and recorded by the Apostles

Ralph, Eric, Doug: Read 1 Timothy 4:6-10, 2 Timothy 3:14-17, all of Titus 2– and while we read it think about how Paul is exhorting us to be rooted, built up and established in sound biblical doctrine.

Verses 6-8 – a certain contingent of the Colossian Church promoted a philosophy of asceticism (strict self denial and obedience) as a form of spiritual disciple.

We could parallel Paul here in Colossians 2 with Mark 7 where Jesus is teaching on the traditions of Men (the Rabbinic rules and regulations) vs. the Commandments of God listen to what Christ says in Mark 7:6            
And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written,
“‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me;
in vain do they worship me, (why is Jesus denouncing them – because they’re) teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’

In these few passages we can see Paul’s Pastoral style: the Christian “ought” (as in, this is how a Christian ought to live) always flows out of the Gospel.

For instance, listen to verses 6 & 7 expanded this way:
Since you have received the Gift of Eternal Life in Jesus Christ
Therefore, walk (or live your life) in Jesus Christ,
Be rooted firmly in the Gospel teachings of Jesus Christ,
Be built up (or sanctified) by Jesus Christ,
Having been established in the Faith by Jesus Christ,
Just as you have been taught about Jesus Christ,
Therefore, always be abounding in thanksgiving for Jesus Christ.

I feel like with churchgoers I’m always having the same battle over and over again. I’ll hear some false teacher say; if you want to be a Christian (or today people say, if you want to be a Christ-follower) then you need to do this – usually a good work of some kind. But Paul is constantly saying in his epistles Christian, since God has already done all the work necessary for salvation for you therefore in thankfulness, not in duty go out and do good for the family of faith (your local church) or for your neighbors. And I’m telling you, it’s a completely different kind of message!

For example, my prior pastor and a couple of the elders would hold up 5 fingers and tell me, “Bennett, you need to do 5 things to get saved.” – now really I don’t care what those 5 things are but you know what that sentence tells me is that the life, blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ is not sufficient to save instead – my works were required for my salvation.

And that’s the complete opposite of what we’re taught in Colossians. The Colossians will go on in the faith they’ve been founded in with thankfulness as apposed to the rat wheel of pious, legalistic good works and then frustrated, anxious guilt – the mind of the “religious” non-Christian worries constantly, “Am I good enough, have I done enough? Am I good enough, have I done enough? Am I good enough, have I done enough?” And I can put that mind at ease… of course you’re not good enough. Jesus said (in Matthew 5:48) you have to be absolutely 100% morally perfect every second of every day in thought, word and deed, to not ever sin. But that’s exactly why Christ came to Earth not for the healthy (the self-righteous) but for us sick sinners. That’s why we rest and put our trust in Him, and in his work done for us.

So here’s where, in application, I would turn from the Colossae Church to the American Church today.

Will someone: Read Luke 24:44-47

Pope Benedict in his book Jesus of Nazareth and in other public addresses has said officially that the Catholic Church will no longer try to convert Jews to Christianity. What happened to Jesus’ command to proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem?

Jews, by the way, still reject Jesus as their Lord, God, Messiah or Savior, but the Pope says that the Church’s job is to convert Gentiles and God will see to converting the Jews himself later.

Rick Warren has actually asked the false god Allah for forgiveness at the end of the introduction to a letter entitled “a Christian response to A Common Word between Us (that’s Muslims) and You (Infidel/Christians). The quote is, “Before we ‘shake your hand’ in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world.” Since the All Merciful One is a common title for Allah, like Yahweh or Lord is for God then any Muslim seeing this would infer that “Pastor” Rick Warren was repentant to Allah or that, at least, Warren meant that the Christian God and Allah was one and the same god.

Islam (like my old church) teaches salvation by faith plus 5 kinds of good works: The Five Pillars of Islam – are five basic acts, which are considered required for salvation. These are summarized in the famous Hadith of Gabriel. The Qur’an presents them as a framework for worship and a sign of Muslim’s commitment to the faith. They are the Shahada, 5 daily prayers bowed toward Mecca, fasting during the daylight hours of Ramadan, and going on pilgrimage to Mecca, which is required at least once in a lifetime.

The Shahada, since many of you may not know – means “to know and believe without suspicion, as if personally witnessed”; it is the name of the Islamic creed. The Shahada is the Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of God and acceptance of Muhammad as God’s prophet. The declaration reads: There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. Which means if you or Rick Warren believed in the Trinity or that Jesus is God, or that Jesus was the one and only Messiah/Christ then you’re a heretic according to Islam.

Joel Osteen in a Washington Times article Osteen: Americans’ faith at all-time high says he does think that Mormons are Christians, quote: “I believe that Mormons are Christians, I don’t know if it’s the purest form of Christianity, like I grew up with. But you know what, I know Mormons. I hear Mitt Romney – and I’ve never met him – but I hear him say, ‘I believe Jesus is the son of God,’ ‘I believe he’s my savior, ‘and that’s one of the core issues.”

So what do Mormons believe?
1 – Mormons believe that there are old men living on the moon
Quote, Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, as recorded in the Mormon’s “Journal of Oliver Huntington” Vol 2 pg 166
“The inhabitants of the moon are of a more uniform size than the inhabitants of Earth being about 6 feet in height, they dress very much like the Quaker style and are quite general in style, or the fashion of dress. Though they do live to be very old coming generally near 1000 years.”
2 – Does this sound like a Christian?
Quote, Brigham Young successor to Joseph Smith, another one of their “infallible” prophets from Journal of Discourses, Vol 1, pgs 108-109
“If you want to know what I do with a thief that you may find stealing, I say kill him on the spot, and suffer him not to commit another iniquity…if I caught a man stealing on my premises I should be very apt to “send him home,” (reference to the afterlife) and that is what I wish every man to do, (murder thieves) to put a stop to that abominable practice in the midst of this people…I will prove my works whether I can mete out justice to such persons, or not. I would consider it just as much my duty to do that, (murder thieves) as to baptize a man for the remission of sins”
3 – Men can become gods
Quote, Roger Anderson from the Mormon Millennial Star Vol. 54, Journal of Discourses Vol. 2 pg 345, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith pg 345, Doctrines and Covenants, section 130.22
“As man is, God once was, as God is, man may become.”
“God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man.”
“The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as any mans.”
“If we should take a million worlds like this and number their particles, we should find that there are more gods than there are particles of matter in those Worlds.” Are there Millions of Millions of gods? Isaiah 43, 44, 46 are all pretty clear there is only one God.
4 – Mormonism and the Negro
Quote from the First Presidency of the Mormon Church, July 17, 1947, see Mormonism and the Negro, by John J Stewart and William E. Berrett pgs 46-47
“From the first days of the prophet Joseph even until now, it has been the Doctrine of the church, never questioned by any of the church leaders, that the Negroes are not entitled to the full blessings of the Gospel.”
5 – Another perverted Gospel
The Gospel to Mormonism is, “Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Holy Spirit by laying on of hands, Morality, Loyalty, Tithing, following the Words of Wisdom, Duty, and Celestial polygamous marriage for all eternity.” (LDS chart of FREE AGENCY and Articles of Faith No.4)
6 – Mormonism teaches that salvation depends upon good works and acceptance of Joseph Smith.
“No man who rejects the testimony of Joseph Smith can enter the kingdom of God”
“Men have work to do if they would obtain salvation.”
Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 1 pg. 190 & Vol. 3 pg. 91

Rob Bell says in his books Love Wins/Sex God/Velvet Elvis that there is no real Hell (as in a place of Eternal punishment and unending fire and torture) he says there are only the Hells of your own making in both your mind and here on Earth. Yet no one in all of the Scriptures had more to say about Hell than Jesus. No stern messenger of doom from the era of the Judges, no fiery Old Testament prophet, no writer of imprecatory Psalms, and no impassioned apostle not even all of them combined  - mentioned Hell more frequently or described it in more terrifying terms than Jesus Himself. Rob Bell clearly doesn’t believe in the Jesus of the Bible or His teachings. He finds the very idea of Hell morally repugnant and believes it is one of the main reasons “why lots of people want nothing to do with the Christian faith.” He scoffs at the idea that Divine Justice requires endless punishment for unrepentant sinners. In direct opposition to what Jesus Himself taught in Matthew 25:46, Bell insinuates that it would be a gross, cosmic atrocity if the doom of the reprobate is everlasting in the same sense that heaven’s blessings for the redeemed are everlasting. 

Brian McLaren is a Liberal/Emergent theologian. His gospel from pg. 139 of his book a New Kind of Christianity, quote “Jesus’ gospel says that the kingdom of God is at hand [which means] God’s new benevolent (or goody-two shoes) society is already among us…this phrase which shimmers and glows in relation to the dominant social reality of Jesus’ time: the kingdom-oriented term “Christ” means “liberating king,” the one who will free God’s people from oppression, then confronts and humbles their oppressors, and then leads both of them into a better day (aka universal salvation).”
Now this sounds like happy hippies and unicorns farting rainbows of pure joy and peace on Earth but McLaren’s false gospel says nothing about sinners receiving repentance and faith for the forgiveness of their sins won by Christ’s substitution, which is the Gospel by every definition we read in Scripture.  

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