
Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Originial 12!

Peter crucified upside-down Rome 64 AD
James, son of Zebedee beheaded 44 AD; first of the 12 to die (not counting Judas Iscariot)
John, son of Zebedee believed to have died in old age
Andrew, Peter's brother, crucified upon a X-shaped cross
Philip crucified 54 AD
Bartholomew (aka Nathaniel) flayed alive (skinned) then beheaded; at Derbend on the Caspian Sea
Matthew killed by an axe 60 AD
Thomas killed by a spear in Mylapore, Madras, India 72 AD
James, the son of Alphaeus, beaten to death with a club after being crucified and stoned (not the fun kind of stoned kids, the painful kind)
Jude crucified
Simon the Zealot crucified 74 AD
Judas Iscariot hanged himself after betraying Jesus; then later having decayed on the tree and when let down expanding gases and weakened skin burst open upon impact

Matthias (Judas' replacement) stoned and beheaded

These are the men we relate tales to our children about; these are the men we want our kids to emulate. Are you sure you're a Christian, sinner? Would you offer up yourself, or your children to follow Our Lord and Master the Christ Jesus? Do you love your life or theirs more than His? Then you are not yet His. Read your Bible, pray to Him for understanding, for Faith. Then, if He is gracious to grant you repentance; you may know what it is like not to fear death - like the cowards of this Worldly Age but to know what it is to be like Paul - as sinner - saved by Grace - and proud to be counted worthy to suffer for His namesake, to be mocked, persecuted, to be martyred. All for the One, who did not see it beneath Himself to be mocked, persecuted and martyred for your sake (for your sins). 

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