
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Steven Furtick's new book Greater.

This article is in answer to a more depth responce regarding the Comment on my 1 star Amazon dot com review of SF's new book Greater

 I'm not sure why people think this is a Christian message?, September 6, 2012

This review is from: Greater: Dream Bigger. Start Smaller. Ignite God's Vision for Your Life. (Hardcover)
I have heard false-teacher Steven Furtick preach alot, and although he's never biblically sound he's always entertaining. I am surprised though that so many people understand Christianity so little as to think that any of Steven's books are actually "Biblical." Allegoricalizing the message in Scripture is never proper handling of God's Word, and making every story in the Bible about you instead of about Christ (like Christ said they were) is theft, idolatry and blasphemy. I can only pray that everyone who gave this book 5 stars is converted from Furtick's brand of GREATNESS idolatry to Christianity. Certainly I would have given this anti-christ and false "gospel" message negative stars if that were possible on Amazon. Repent of this sin and trust in Christ's work for the forgiveness of this sin Steven before its too late. God bless" 

Steven Furtick's 11th Commandment : Thou shalt not have a mundane life! 
Thou shalt be great! .... oh and also thou shalt bow down to Steven Furtick's self-centered message or he'll call you a "hater" btw.

The truth is Steven Furtick is not great: 
He cannot fly, 
He doesn't have laser vision, 
He cannot heal,
He cannot raise the dead, 
He cannot die for your sins since he's a sinner,
He cannot even walk on water, 
In fact he fails to live - in any way -  the false doctrines he preaches. 

In his new book originally entitled "I'm greater than Jesus 
that's why I'm always preaching myself and that's why my church Idolizes me."

This is a classic example of ripping NT passages out of their overall context (specifically John 14:12 ESV which says“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father, is referring to the book of Acts where we see the Gospel going out into all the "world" compared to Christ's earthly ministry which was contained only in or around the area of the Jews) Also in classic Furtick fashion after misapplying the NT passage he jumps back to the OT to narcissistic-ly allegorical-ize a OT story making it about you instead of about what it actually says its about - a real guy really giving up his livelihood and lifestyle to live a life sentence of service to the One True God, something neither you nor Furtick are willing to do, yet a Christian pastor would use this story to point you to Christ who did not exalt himself but made himself low - as low as a slave - who was obedient even unto death to atone for all of your lack of GREATNESS sins.

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