The Shephard
shepherd has at last overtaken his poor, silly, wandering sheep, he does
not straightway fall to scolding or beating it for having cost him so
much toil and trouble. No; but he observes that it is very weary, that
it has torn itself among thorns, and cut itself among jagged rocks, and
therefore he first tenderly sees to its wounds, and then bears it back
to the fold in his own arms. Poor trembling sinner, the gospel has at
length laid hold upon you; you cannot longer run into the paths of sin,
grace has stopped your mad career, and made you tremble at the guilt of
sin. You are afraid of Jesus, for you know how sorely you have grieved
him; you fear that he will chide you severely, and perhaps spurn you
from his presence. Oh think not so of the Good Shepherd! He is already
gazing on your bleeding wounds, and preparing to bind them up; he will
soon take compassion on your weakness, and bear you in his arms. Trust
to him, poor sinner, just as the poor sheep trusts the shepherd. A man
is more precious than a sheep, and Jesus is more tender than the most
careful shepherd. To coming sinners he is gentle indeed. When the
prodigal returned all ragged, and filthy, his loving father did not put
him in
quarantine till he had been
cleansed and purified, but there and then he fell upon his neck and
kissed him, without so much as giving him one upbraiding word. He came
straight from the swine-trough to his parent's arms. That welcomed
prodigal is the type of such sinners such as you are. You too shall have
all kisses, and no frowns; all love, and no wrath; all kindness, and no
severity. Oh! if you knew the Saviour, you would not delay. Now, now
poor heavy-laden sinner, trust the Lord Jesus, and live. He has never
treated one returning prodigal with harshness, and he cannot change, and
will therefore deal as generously with you as He has done with others.
Whether thou wilt trust him or no—I will—I do. Poor sinner, may the Holy Spirit lead thee to look to Jesus and live.
No. 20.—Sword and Trowel Tracts, by C. H. SPURGEON.—6d. per 100, Post free, 8 stamps.
Passmore & Alabaster, 23, Paternoster Row.
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