
Saturday, March 7, 2015

John 3 - Sunday School (doctrine of Regeneration)

Sunday school ---------
Opening quote from Martin Luther:
“So these truths are published for the sake of the Elect, that they may be humbled and bought down to nothing and so saved.  The rest of men resist this humiliation; indeed, they condemn the teaching of self-despair; they want a little something left that they can do for themselves…and therefore are enemies of the Grace of God.”
Someone prays
Read John 3: 1-15
2 points on the language to clarify our passage:
#1 Do you guys know why Jesus compares the wind & Spirit in our passage?  He’s actually making a pun (a play on words) because the Greek is Pneuma (think pneumatic power tools – like framing nailers or tire inflators) Pneuma means both wind & Spirit.  Jesus the punster.
#2 You may not be aware of this but there is a theological debate if it is better translated in our passage that you must be “born again” which is common Christian lingo, which describes timing after your physical birth, or if it should be translated “born from above” stressing that its God’s work in Salvation & not yours.  Both are valid translations of the Greek Gennethe Anothen. 
But what do you guys think?  Having either just recently heard or read the passage is Jesus saying “born again” as in a 2nd time or “from above” describing it as God the Holy Spirit’s work?
I prefer using a both/and method of “born again, from above” as I think both are a piece of what Jesus’ saying…. FYI its most often translated as “from above” in Matthew, Mark, John & James**.
Are there any questions you have of the passage before we move on?
Now we’ll probably spend the rest of our time reading biblical passages on Who is the 1 at work in Salvation…but first let’s think of some popular ideas of conversion
-        Ask Jesus into your heart – Jesus never told anyone to ask him into their hearts
-        Raise your hand during a head’s down invitation time - I see that hand, I see that hand
-        Repeating the sinners prayer – the lack of this passage in the bible nearly lead me to                    atheism
-        Walking an aisle – never existed before the modern age, most early churches didn’t    even have aisles
-        Signing a decision card – never existed
-        Making a free-will decision to become a Christ follower – I won’t say this is completely wrong but its nowhere described in Scripture
What do you guys think of these?  How many of these are valid descriptions of how Jesus, the Apostles or the Early Church exemplified conversion? None

If these are not described Biblically then let’s take a look at a few of them that are….
Ezekiel 36:25-27 – God cleanses us from unrighteousness and gives us a new Spirit and a new heart
2 Corinthians 5:17 – Being “born from above” also ties other ideas together like I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus
1st John 5:1 – Being born of God
John 6:37-40, 44, and 65 –being drawn to God – the Greek here Helkuo actually is more graphic it means God drags you to Himself
Acts 16:14 God opens one’s heart or mind for the Gospel
Romans 8:30 (Ephesians 1:5-6) God predestines
**Colossians 2:12-13 God at work in your baptism
**Ephesians 2:4-9 – God grants faith
**2 Timothy 2:24-25 – God gifts repentance
Even the fruit of the Sprit (Gal 5:22) if these are the fruits of having the Spirit than even God gets the credit for our love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness & faithfulness.   

Ultimately all of this comprises the idea known as Monergism that there is 1 mover in Salvation vs. Synergy meaning you and God work together in order to get you saved, God is the 1 that gets full, total and whole praise from Salvation because he is the only party at work in Salvation.

Quote: Me & Spurgeon on Conversion – often from our limited POV we think we became a Christian when we came to God.  However when this issue is viewed in light of Scripture: any True Christian will see what the Scriptures say: ‘The Election is from the Lord (Ephesians 1); the Call is from the Lord (Romans 8); the Coming to Christ is from the Lord (John 6); the Conversion is from the Lord (John 3); & the Faith & Repentance are from the Lord (Ephesians 3 & 2 Timothy 2).  And we finally learn the extent of His Grace & Mercy & Worth of Worship lies in the fact that the whole of Salvation is of the Lord (Jonah 2:9, Psalms 37:39, Revelation 7:10)’.
From Charles Spurgeon:
“One week-night, when I was sitting in the house of God, I was not thinking much about the preacher’s sermon, for I did not believe it.  The thought struck me, how did you come to be a Christian?  I sought the Lord.  But how did you come to seek the Lord?  The truth flashed across my mind in a moment – I should not have sought Him unless there had been some previous Influence in my mind to make me see my need of Him.  I prayed, thought I, but then I asked myself, how did I come to pray?  I was Induced to pray by reading the Scriptures.  How did I come to read the Scriptures?  I did read them, but what led me to do so?  Then, in a moment, I saw that God was at the bottom of it all, and that He was the Author of my faith, and so the Doctrines of Grace opened up to me, and from that doctrine I have not departed to this day, and I desire to make this my constant confession, ‘I ascribe my change wholly to God.’”

So what is the Application?
3 points: Prayer - because God can & will provide for his people,
Praise – we need to know what God has done in order to appropriately worship him for it.
And finally why are we born again from above?  A baby grows up to look like its parents, a puppy grows up to look like a dog, a calf grows up to look like a cow…likewise we have been chosen to be born of God that we may grow up to look more and more like God, that’s it. 

 **Anothen has to do with position (not time)**
John 3:31 – the one who comes from above is above all…
John 19:11 – you would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above
James 1:17 – ever good and perfect gift is from above
James 3:15 – such wisdom does not come down from heaven
James 3:17 – but the wisdom that comes from heaven
Matthew 27:51 & Mark 15:38 – the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom
John 19:23 – this garment was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom

God’s Word to a Sinner: criminals in heaven? (Sermon)

Title: God’s Word to a Sinner

Today we’re going to be focusing on a very sweet passage from Luke 23 and the title of my Sermon: God’s Word to a Sinner: criminals in heaven?  Let’s begin by reading from the Gospel of Luke chapter 23: verses 32-43.  

            “Two others, who were criminals, were led away to be put to death with Jesus.  And when they came to the place that is called The Skull, there they crucified him, and the criminals, one on his right and one on his left.  And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  And his executioners cast lots to divide his garments amongst them.  And the people stood by, watching, but the rulers scoffed at him, saying, “He saved others; let him save himself, if he is the Christ of God, his Chosen One!”  The soldiers also mocked him, coming up and offering him sour wine and saying, “If you are indeed the King of the Jews, save yourself!”  There was also an inscription over him saying, “This is the King of the Jews.”

                  One of the criminals who were hanged railed against him, saying, “Are you not the Christ?  Save yourself and us!”  But the other criminal rebuked him, saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation?  And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.”  And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”  And Jesus said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Opening Prayer:

            Let’s bow together: Father in heaven, I wonder do we really believe You have totally forgiven us?  Do we take time on a regular basis to confess our sin so that we may enjoy the freedom of Your forgiveness?  I fear too often we live in a state of “semi-forgiveness,” still living as if sin, the devil and temptation had mastery over us.  Christ, keep us from this bout of self-doubt.  Let us experience the peace & comfort of your love and acceptance when we call out to you.  Keep us from the error & temptation to try to earn Your pardon You already freely earned for us at the cross.

            Teach us Spirit to live each day as those who have been truly forgiven, opening our hearts in return to care for one another not in order to buy Your love & affection but as a way of honor & worship & thankfulness for all the work, sacrifice and mercy You have already done & showed to us while we were yet sinners & far off from you. 

             Lord Jesus, thank you for your Word, which reminds us of your authority to forgive.  Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice so that we might be assured of our forgiveness when we come before you openly and honestly – confessing our sins.  Thank you for the empowering nature of forgiveness.  For we know Lord how relieved and empowered we feel when we confess our sins to each other and then hear your word of forgiveness spoken over us.  Lead us to pay close attention to the words recorded in the prayer you taught us: “forgive us our debts as we forgive those indebted to us.”  May all those around us and amongst us experience this, your church, as a community characterized by the practice and discipline of continual confession and forgiveness.  In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…And all of God’s people said…”Amen”.

Intro – Jesus’ 7 sayings

I’ve got to say I was really excited when Brian told me we were going to be doing the 7 sayings from the cross series.  It is very traditional amongst Anglican, Lutheran & other denominations to teach these messages as a time of personal reflection & as a lead up to the celebration of Easter. 
Another thing that I like about this series is it reflects a type of bible teaching called Gospel Harmony.  Now Gospel Harmony is not a Christian boy-band knockoff, Gospel Harmony is where the information from each of the Gospels is combined into a single narrative.  Meaning you wouldn’t find all of these 7 sayings from the cross in any 1 of the individual Gospels.  A couple are from Matthew & Mark, a couple from Luke & the rest are from John.   The first 2 sayings, which Mel & I are doing, are often called the words of Forgiveness & Salvation & they are inseparably linked together **fingers interlaced**.
As we think back to last week & we think about God himself being made flesh & dwelling amongst us.  And that Holy Man nailed violently to the cross, looking down on those he came to save, he sees what? … Convicted criminals on either side of him, Soldiers who mocked him, beat him, spat at him, yanked out his beard, nailed him cruelly to the cross & finally gambled for the very clothes off his back.  I wonder…. What was he thinking about, the fraudulent trial the Sanhedrin used to prosecute him?  Pilate & Herod who gave him over to death knowing he was innocent?  Was he thinking of his own apostles who deserted him?  Peter who denied him?  Judas who betrayed him?  Or the fickle crowd who had just recently praised him coming into Jerusalem as a King & the Messiah & now they choose the murder Barabbas for freedom & Christ for the cross? 

            Or maybe he was thinking of us, sinners who wouldn’t come for millennia’s later, still in need of our own forgiveness.  Its ironic, this cross, which was intended for torment & death, became for believers a path for forgiveness & newness of life.  Its been said, never was such love shown by 1 person for so many others as when the Savior God, having taken on Himself the sin of the world, died to validate the prayer He spoke over his people, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  He paid the penalty for the sins that we commit in our ignorance & even those we deliberately commit.  And in forgiving us, Jesus makes a reality of his own preaching.  When He had said, “Love your enemies;” He was now exemplifying it with his last breaths.

As I was studying this passage this last month I read up on some famous moments of forgiveness in history & they were all pretty good.  The prior pope John Paul II forgave a would be assassin, the Hatfields & McCoys recently called a truce in 2003 after 100 years of their families at war, Nelson Mandela called for forgiveness & reconciliation after years of imprisonment in South Africa & the one that stood out for me was Corrie Ten Boom.  Corrie was a remarkable woman who risked her own life to save others during the Holocaust.  After Nazis occupied the Netherlands her & her family began sheltering Jews in hidden areas in their home.  In 1944 the Gestapo arrested them, her father died & she & her sister were sent to a concentration camp where her sister ended up dying as well.  Just days before every girl her age was killed they accidently let Corrie go due to a clerical error in her file.  Later while speaking on forgiveness at a church she came face to face with 1 of her old prison guards who asked her personal forgiveness & after a moment’s hesitation she took his hand.  Now many can attest to the fact that at times it’s hard to forgive, many struggle to forgive & some even think that there are people who don’t’ deserve any forgiveness.  And then the cross confronts us with its powerful words & as Mel reminded us last week Christ gives a powerful example for us in forgiving & sacrificing ourselves for others. Application #1 – forgiveness & self-sacrifice


There are 3 main questions that I would like try to answer in this sermon all from verse 43 which says “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”  1st is what is this Paradise Jesus speaks of?  I’d like to flesh the history of that idea out with you.  2nd I’d like to ask whose Paradise is it & does that influence our ideas of it?  *cogs in the mind*  And 3rd how does one reach this Paradise - Regarding the gospel & the state of American Christianity.
History gives a myth if not the fact regarding the 2 thieves at the cross.  About 200 years after the events of the cross the Book of Nicodemus was written stating the names of the two thieves crucified with Christ were Dysmas & Gestas.  Dysmas was described, as the “good” thief who called on Jesus to remember him in the afterlife & Gestas is known to be the one who taunted Jesus along with the crowd.   How brilliantly do these 2 men exemplify humanity?  Do they not bring to mind the NT’s descriptions of the Wheat & the Chaff, the sheep & goat?  It’s funny how the same gospel seems to harden some & soften others.  How this same gospel that is life & light to me is an odd fairytale to my Jewish friend.
 In our passage today Jesus introduces us to a specific term “Paradise.”  This word “Paradise” comes from ancient Persia (which is now Iran).  And if you’re not up to date on your Persian facts this would be the empire of Cyrus the Great, the kingdom the OT hero Esther marries into & the invading army of bad guys from the movie & comic book series, Frank Miller’s The 300.
This Paradise word meant “a Royal Park” or “a King’s Garden” and right away we can guess what images this would have brought to the minds of the 1st century Jews.  The very Garden in Eden we’ve recently heard about from Brian’s sermons in Genesis.  In the Hebrew Scriptures this term is used to describe orchards, forests & later uses of this Paradise word began to be used in a solely spiritual sense as a term to describe the place of happiness righteous people would inherit in contrast to Gehenna, the place of punishment where the wicked were assigned after death.  I would urge you to spend some time studying not only the first few chapters of Geneses but also the last few of Revelation & see how perfectly the beginning & end of God’s Word fulfill one another. 
And this passage also gives to us some clue as to the afterlife when compared to the Catholic idea of purgatory where the dead might end up in a holding area 1000s of years, Jesus seems to contended instead that there is an immediate judgment of the dead where the separation of the righteous and wicked happens quickly after death.  Truly, today you will be with me in Paradise.  And Christ uses all of these ideas as a gentle comfort for the consolation of a penitent thief suffering from thirst, agony & shame when he uses this term Paradise.
All of this answers our 1st question: what is this Paradise Jesus describes?  Unlike many Christians who dream of a mere return to the peace & paradise of the Garden in Eden the beautiful picture of the End of Days will actually be better than Eden where God not only comes down to visit his people “in the cool of the day” but we’ll actually live with him as Heaven & Earth will finally be brought together into a new combined Heaven & Earth, that is the Christian’s hope.
And that brings us to our 2nd question: about who’s Paradise is it?  This reminded me of 2 interactions I had 1 here in Sunday school & 1 at work.  The one at work was a group of people talking about their idea of heaven.  And being someone whose knowledgeable about the Bible I joined in and I mentioned that the end of the Bible describes a miraculous Tree of Life with multiple kinds of fruit all on 1 tree, the atheist with us laughed at the rest of us at the ridiculous of our religion’s “mythology” & as a bit of a sarcastic person myself I told him about the Fruit Salad Tree which is where multiple kinds of fruit trees are grafted together into 1 tree for smaller farms & gardens.  This means red, yellow & green apples can grow together on 1 tree or even to the extreme where pears, plumbs & peaches can all grow on 1 tree together.   For those in our Covenant Theology class you’ll recognize it’s much like the bible describes the Jews & gentiles being grafted together into the 1 true Church.  But…Where the conversation deteriorated for me was when a girl was saying only 1 kind of apple would exist in Heaven because she only liked 1 kind of apple & another guy said all homes in heaven would be apartment complexes because he liked urban developments over log cabins or rural suburbs and I realized that we were no longer talking about God’s heaven described in Scripture but each of those people had become their own little gods & were crafting for themselves their own little worlds where they imagined they’d like to live.
And in Sunday school once we were talking of Revelation & the streets of gold & the crystal seas & all that & it suddenly struck me then that for a Christian all these points were nearly irrelevant when compared with seeing & knowing our Lord.  Because the point of heaven is not diamond forks or emerald toilets but it about being with God in direct fellowship, in seeing, knowing & experiencing the presence of God 1st hand & not just by Faith.  That is why Heaven could be the worst kind of hell for a pagan who cares nothing for Christ & the things of God & even the slummiest idea of Heaven with Christ would be for the Christian the greatest paradise imaginable because there where God is there a True Home exists for us believers as well.
So much like worship & the church & the praise songs we sing – all of that for a Christian should be much less about what I’d like to see done or what you would prefer to do & should be more about let’s look to Scripture together & see what it is God would like to see done here and in our communities & our marriages & in our home lives.  So Application #2 is a question.  Do we know God? Do we love God in the sense that we want what he wants?  Do we take joy in bringing God joy?  Do we worship as he’s called us to worship? Is the important part of paradise for us that we’ll be “with Him” for Eternity?  Because if it’s not then our hope, our faith is probably resting in something or someone else other than Him.   
Question three: how can I obtain this Paradise?  In the 2 thieves we find the entire world displayed.   The 1st is hardened to the last – he may cry out for temporary relief from present suffering but he’s without remorse for his sins & does not have the eye of his heart fixed on the life to come.  But the 2nd knows his unworthiness, & is snatched as a branch out of a burning fire, a monument to God’s Grace.  This man believed in Jesus while the other mocked, he believed in the life to come.  He was humbled in repentance before Christ even at Christ’s seemingly weakest & lowest point.  And Christ though in agony had pity on this penitent sinner.  And by this we too can rest assured that heaven is open to all penitent believers, this simple man keeps us from despair that sinners indeed may call on the Lord & be saved & yet the other is here as a picture too, that a man may pass into death hard & unbelieving though the Lord was so very near him.
 Our passage teaches us that Jesus opens heaven to repentant people.  This is our hope for Salvation, if we turn our hearts & prayers to Him, we too may become “criminals welcomed into paradise.”  The thief speaks to Jesus from the heart.  But Jesus’ response is a comfort not only to him but also to us.  The thief did not make promises he wouldn’t keep about “cleaning up his life” he didn’t plead works of righteousness of his own.  How could he?  He lived a life of sin & crimes worthy of death.  If ever there was a strong commentary on the fact that Salvation is by Grace through Faith without the works of the Law, here it is.  *pound the pulpit*  The gift of salvation is not earned; it’s given by a merciful God.  Jesus says to the penitent thief “truly, I say to you, today you shall be with me in paradise.”
Application #3, Ask your self this, today have you staked your life on Jesus? Today have you come penitent & put your ultimate trust in him?  Today do you know that, when your time comes, you will be with him in paradise?
If you don’t know, Jay solicited responses from people in this community right outside these doors Anglicans, Episcopals, Methodists, Presbyterians all claiming the name Christian & by & large what they have told us is this they don’t know if they’ll go to heaven, they hope so, they’ll tell God all about the good they did & hope it’s good enough to get them into paradise.  This sad state of American Evangelicalism reminds me of Jesus’ words about the multitude that will come crying “all this we did in your name & his words back depart from me, I never knew you.”  Calvary, only morons & liars believe they can serve up their own works & deeds & think that’s gonna be good enough.  Don’t be a moron, when you can rely instead on the perfect works of Christ done for you.  Only hidden in his perfect righteousness, only obtained by faith, can you find security, certainty – where you can find “good enough” for entrance into Paradise.  Heaven is a gated community where only the perfect righteousness of Christ is the key to get in, trust him, believe him when He says (not because I say) because He says repent & believe the gospel.      

Poem & Prayer to close -  As we close I’d like to read from the poem “O Paradise, O Paradise” from Frederick William Faber:  O paradise, paradise!  Who among us does not crave for rest?  Who among us would not seek that happy land where they that are loved by you are blessed?  O paradise, paradise!  I want to sin no more; I want to be as pure on earth now as soon upon your shore.  O paradise, paradise.  Its weary waiting here; I long to be where Jesus is, to feel & to see him near.  O paradise, paradise I shall not wait for long; even now the loving ear may catch the faintest note of your Redemption song.  Lord Jesus, King of paradise, keep me in your love, and guide me to that happy land of perfect rest above.
 Let’s pray: Dear Lord Jesus, how I wonder at your grace and mercy!  When we cry out to you, you hear us.  When we ask you to remember us when you come into your kingdom, you offer the promise of paradise to us.  Your mercy, dear Lord, exceeds anything we might imagine.  It embraces us, encourages us, and heals us.
  O Lord, though my life is so different from the criminal who cried out to you, I am nevertheless quite like him.  Today I live, trusting you and you alone.  My life, both now and in the world to come, is in your hands.  And so I pray & pray for this church:
 Jesus, remember us when you come into your kingdom!  Jesus, remember us today as we seek to live within your kingdom now!  Amen.

My most recent sermon outline

God’s Word to a Sinner:
Criminals in heaven?

Text Luke 23:32-43

2nd word from the cross:
“Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Opening Prayer

Intro – Jesus’ 7 sayings, Gospel Harmony, Last week recap, Application #1: example of forgiveness & self-sacrifice

1 – What is this Paradise?
Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.

2 – Whose Paradise is it? Application #2: proper worship
Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.

3 – How can I obtain Paradise? Application #3: repent, trust Christ & preach the gospel to yourself daily
Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.

Poem – “O paradise, paradise” Fredrick William Faber
Closing Prayer

Sunday, March 1, 2015

More Historical Church Councils and And Documents Which Teach the Doctrine of Monergistic Regeneration

Related concepts in The Canons of Dordt of 1618-19 teaching monergistic regeneration

Article 11: The Holy Spirit's Work in Conversion
Moreover, when God carries out this good pleasure in his chosen ones, or works true conversion in them, he not only sees to it that the gospel is proclaimed to them outwardly, and enlightens their minds powerfully by the Holy Spirit so that they may rightly understand and discern the things of the Spirit of God, but, by the effective operation of the same regenerating Spirit, he also penetrates into the inmost being of man, opens the closed heart, softens the hard heart, and circumcises the heart that is uncircumcised. He infuses new qualities into the will, making the dead will alive, the evil one good, the unwilling one willing, and the stubborn one compliant; he activates and strengthens the will so that, like a good tree, it may be enabled to produce the fruits of good deeds.

Article 12: Regeneration a Supernatural Work
And this is the regeneration, the new creation, the raising from the dead, and the making alive so clearly proclaimed in the Scriptures, which God works in us without our help. But this certainly does not happen only by outward teaching, by moral persuasion, or by such a way of working that, after God has done his work, it remains in man's power whether or not to be reborn or converted. Rather, it is an entirely supernatural work, one that is at the same time most powerful and most pleasing, a marvelous, hidden, and inexpressible work, which is not lesser than or inferior in power to that of creation or of raising the dead, as Scripture (inspired by the author of this work) teaches. As a result, all those in whose hearts God works in this marvelous way are certainly, unfailingly, and effectively reborn and do actually believe. And then the will, now renewed, is not only activated and motivated by God but in being activated by God is also itself active. For this reason, man himself, by that grace which he has received, is also rightly said to believe and to repent.

Article 14: The Way God Gives Faith
In this way, therefore, faith is a gift of God, not in the sense that it is offered by God for man to choose, but that it is in actual fact bestowed on man, breathed and infused into him. Nor is it a gift in the sense that God bestows only the potential to believe, but then awaits assent--the act of believing--from man's choice; rather, it is a gift in the sense that he who works both willing and acting and, indeed, works all things in all people produces in man both the will to believe and the belief itself.

Article 16: Regeneration's Effect
However, just as by the fall man did not cease to be man, endowed with intellect and will, and just as sin, which has spread through the whole human race, did not abolish the nature of the human race but distorted and spiritually killed it, so also this divine grace of regeneration does not act in people as if they were blocks and stones; nor does it abolish the will and its properties or coerce a reluctant will by force, but spiritually revives, heals, reforms, and--in a manner at once pleasing and powerful--bends it back. As a result, a ready and sincere obedience of the Spirit now begins to prevail where before the rebellion and resistance of the flesh were completely dominant. It is in this that the true and spiritual restoration and freedom of our will consists. Thus, if the marvelous Maker of every good thing were not dealing with us, man would have no hope of getting up from his fall by his free choice, by which he plunged himself into ruin when still standing upright.

Article 17: God's Use of Means in Regeneration
Just as the almighty work of God by which he brings forth and sustains our natural life does not rule out but requires the use of means, by which God, according to his infinite wisdom and goodness, has wished to exercise his power, so also the aforementioned supernatural work of God by which he regenerates us in no way rules out or cancels the use of the gospel, which God in his great wisdom has appointed to be the seed of regeneration and the food of the soul. For this reason, the apostles and the teachers who followed them taught the people in a godly manner about this grace of God, to give him the glory and to humble all pride, and yet did not neglect meanwhile to keep the people, by means of the holy admonitions of the gospel, under the administration of the Word, the sacraments, and discipline. So even today it is out of the question that the teachers or those taught in the church should presume to test God by separating what he in his good pleasure has wished to be closely joined together. For grace is bestowed through admonitions, and the more readily we perform our duty, the more lustrous the benefit of God working in us usually is and the better his work advances. To him alone, both for the means and for their saving fruit and effectiveness, all glory is owed forever. Amen.

The Lutheran Formula of Concord states that "man of himself, or from his natural powers, cannot contribute anything or help to his conversion, and that conversion is not only in part, but altogether an operation, gift and present and work of the Holy Ghost alone, who accomplishes and effects it, by his virtue and power, through the Word, in the understanding, heart and will of man."

1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith

Chapter 10: Of Effectual Calling

1._____ Those whom God hath predestinated unto life, he is pleased in his appointed, and accepted time, effectually to call, by his Word and Spirit, out of that state of sin and death in which they are by nature, to grace and salvation by Jesus Christ; enlightening their minds spiritually and savingly to understand the things of God; taking away their heart of stone, and giving unto them a heart of flesh; renewing their wills, and by his almighty power determining them to that which is good, and effectually drawing them to Jesus Christ; yet so as they come most freely, being made willing by his grace.
( Romans 8:30; Romans 11:7; Ephesians 1:10, 11; 2 Thessalonians 2:13, 14; Ephesians 2:1-6; Acts 26:18; Ephesians 1:17, 18; Ezekiel 36:26; Deuteronomy 30:6; Ezekiel 36:27; Ephesians 1:19; Psalm 110:3; Song of Solomon 1:4 )

2._____ This effectual call is of God's free and special grace alone, not from anything at all foreseen in man, nor from any power or agency in the creature, being wholly passive therein, being dead in sins and trespasses, until being quickened and renewed by the Holy Spirit; he is thereby enabled to answer this call, and to embrace the grace offered and conveyed in it, and that by no less power than that which raised up Christ from the dead.
( 2 Timothy 1:9; Ephesians 2:8; 1 Corinthians 2:14; Ephesians 2:5; John 5:25; Ephesians 1:19, 20 )

Some Confessions of Faith or Historic Creeds that Teach Monergism
Canons of the Council of Orange (529)
The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689)
The Belgic Confession
The Canons of Dordt of 1618-19
The Heidelberg Catechism
Scottish Confession of Faith 1560
The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion of the Anglican Church
The Westminster Confession of Faith
Doctrinal Position of the Lutheran Missouri Synod (1932)

For the record, these are some of the historical persons who opposed monergism:
Semi-Pelagians as led by John Cassian (440); Then later there were clear denunciations from the Council of Trent (1563) Justification Canons, which is the standard of the Roman Catholic Church, Arminius and his followers in the Remonstrance of 1610 also disapproved; Finally, this list also includes individuals such as John Wesley, Charles Finney and a high percentage of evangelicals from 20th century America.

Helpful References to Monergistic Regeneration from Church History - Spurgeon to Today

C. H. Spurgeon
Faith in the living God and his Son Jesus Christ is always the result of the new birth, and can never exist except in the regenerate. Whoever has faith is a saved man.
- C.H. Spurgeon from "Faith and Regeneration"

"A man's conversion is nothing, his believing is nothing, his profession is nothing unless he is made to be a new creature in Christ Jesus... If our faith has not brought with it the Holy Spirit, if, indeed, it is not the fruit of the Spirit...then our faith is presumption, and our profession is a lie."
- C. H. Spurgeon Quote Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Vol XXX, Receiving The Holy Ghost

"No sooner is the soul quickened, than it at once discovers its lost estate, is horrified thereat, looks for a refuge, and believing Christ to be a suitable one, flies to him and reposes in him." - C.H. Spurgeon

"God the Holy Ghost must illuminate us, or all the suns in the milky way never will."- C.H. Spurgeon

"The new creation is as much and entirely the work of God as the old creation"- C.H. Spurgeon

"To fear God and to walk uprightly is a higher nobility than blood or birth can bestow."- C.H. Spurgeon

"We are chosen of God, according to the good pleasure of his will, and this alone is blessedness. Then, since we cannot and will not come to God of ourselves, he works graciously in us, and attracts us powerfully; he subdues our unwillingness, and removes our inability by the almighty workings of his transforming grace."- C.H. Spurgeon

"Conversion is as divine a work as creation." - C.H. Spurgeon on Psalm LXXX
"If there is to be in our celestial garment but one stitch of our own making we are all of us lost."- C.H. Spurgeon

"It is not your hold of Christ that saves, but his hold of you!"- C.H. Spurgeon

"...none take Jehovah to be their God till he takes them to be his people."- C.H. Spurgeon

"You may be quite certain that if you love God it is a fruit, not a root."- C.H. Spurgeon

"We are chosen of God, according to the good pleasure of his will, and this alone is blessedness. Then, since we cannot and will not come to God of ourselves, he works graciously in us, and attracts us powerfully; he subdues our unwillingness, and removes our inability by the almighty workings of his transforming grace."- C.H. Spurgeon

"The Spirit of God must come, and make the letter alive to you, transfer it to your heart, set it on fire and make it burn within you, or else its divine force and majesty will be hid from your eyes."- C.H. Spurgeon

Without the Spirit of God, we are like a ship stranded on the beach when the tide has receded-there is no moving her until the flood shall once again lift her from the sands. Until the Spirit of God shall thaw the chilly coldness of our natural estate, and bid the life-floods of our heart flow forth, there we must be- ...cold, cheerless, lifeless, and powerless. - C.H. Spurgeon

"All that the Father gives me shall come to me."- John 6:37 ... Oh! the power and majesty which rest in the words "shall come." He does not say they have power to come, nor they may come if they will, but they "shall come" ... subdued by sovereign love!"- C.H. Spurgeon

"A man is opposed to Christ, he hates his gospel, does not understand it and will not receive it-- the Holy Spirit comes, puts light into his darkened understanding, takes the chain from his bondaged will, gives liberty to his conscience, gives life to his dead soul, ... and the man becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus." - C.H. Spurgeon

Preach the necessity for the Holy Ghost's divine operations. ... 'Men must be told that they are dead, and that only the Holy Spirit can quicken them; that the Spirit works according to his own good pleasure, and that no man can claim his visitations or deserve his aid. This is thought to be very discouraging teaching, and so it is, but men need to be discouraged when they are seeking salvation in a wrong manner. To put them out of conceit of their own abilities is a great help toward bringing them to look out of self to another, even the Lord Jesus. The doctrine of election and other great truths which declare salvation to be all of grace, and to be, not the right of the creature, but the gift of the Sovereign Lord, are all calculated to hide pride from man, and so prepare him to receive the mercy of God.' - C.H. Spurgeon (from Lectures to My Students)

"Only God himself can satisfy the craving of a soul really aroused by the Holy Spirit."- C.H. Spurgeon

"You think that if you had a long hand you could reach the grace of God. No, but if you have a withered hand, that grace can reach you."- C.H. Spurgeon

"Do not think Christians are made by education; they are made by creation... The vital spark must come from above! Regeneration is not of the will of man, nor of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, but by the power and energy of the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of God alone!"
- C.H. Spurgeon, "Light, Natural and Spiritual" No. 660.

"God wrought our deliverance alone, and he alone shall have the praise."- C.H. Spurgeon

"No Christian man will ever say that faith came of itself without the gift and without the working of the Holy Spirit."- C.H. Spurgeon

"When a man is converted to God, it is done in a moment. Regeneration is an instantaneous work. Conversion to God, the fruit of regeneration, occupies all our life, but regeneration itself is effected in an instant. A man hates God-- the Holy Spirit makes him love God. A man is opposed to Christ, he hates his gospel, does not understand it and will not receive it-- the Holy Spirit comes, puts light into his darkened understanding, takes the chain from his bondaged will, gives liberty to his conscience, gives life to his dead soul, so that the voice of conscience is heard, and the man becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus.And all this is done, mark you, by the instantaneous supernatural influence of God the Holy Spirit working as he wills among the sons of men."
Augustus Toplady
"Grace alone makes the elect gracious; grace alone keeps them gracious; and the same grace alone will render them everlastingly glorious in the heaven of heavens." - Augustus Toplady

"Faith, repentance, and holiness are no less the free gifts of God than eternal life."- Augustus Toplady

"Ask almost any man, “Whether he hopes to be saved eternally?” He will answer in the affirmative. But enquire again, “On what foundation he rests his hope?” Here too many are sadly divided

...The Pelagian hopes to get to heaven by a moral life and a good use of his natural powers.

The Arminian by a jumble of grace and free-will, human works, and the merits of Christ.

The Deist by an interested observance of the social virtues.

Thus merit-mongers, of every denomination, agree in making any thing the basis of their hope, rather than that foundation which God’s own hand hath laid in Zion.

But what saith Scripture? It avers, again and again, that Jesus alone is our hope: to the exclusion of all others, and to the utter annihilation of human deservings.Beware, therefore, of resting your dependence partly on Christ, and partly on some other basis. As surely as you bottom your reliance partly on the rock, and partly on the sand; so certainly, unless God give you an immediate repentance to your acknowledgment of the truth, will your supposed house of defence fall and bury you in its ruins, no less than if you had raised it on the sand alone.Christ is the hope of glory." - Augustus Montague Toplady
John Newton
"Though I am not what I ought to be, nor what I wish to be, nor what I hope to be--I can truly say that I am not what I once was--a slave to sin and Satan. And I can heartily join with the apostle and say that "by the grace of God I am what I am!" 1 Corinthians 15:10 - John Newton
J. C. Ryle
"On the one hand stand salvation by free grace for Christ's sake; but on the other stands renewal of the carnal heart by the Spirit. We must be changed as well as forgiven; we must be renewed as well as redeemed." - J. C. Ryle

"Without the blessing of the Lord, your best endeavors will do no good. He has the hearts of all men in His hands, and except He touch the hearts of your children by His Spirit, you will weary yourself to no purpose. Water, therefore, the seed you sow on their minds with unceasing prayer."- J. C. Ryle

"Let it be a settled principle ...that men's salvation, if saved, is wholly of God; and that man's ruin, if lost, is wholly of himself."- J. C. Ryle
Charles Hodge
"No more soul-destroying doctrine could well be devised than the doctrine that sinners can regenerate themselves, and repent and believe just when they please...As it is a truth both of Scripture and of experience that the unrenewed man can do nothing of himself to secure his salvation, it is essential that he should be brought to practical conviction of that truth. When thus convinced, and not before, he seeks help from the only source whence it can be obtained."- Charles Hodge

"Sanctification is not a work of nature, but a work of grace. It is a transformation of character effected not by moral influences, but supernaturally by the Holy Spirit." - Charles Hodge
A. A. Hodge
"Whatever man may do after regeneration, the first quickening of the dead must originate with God."
- A.A. Hodge
A. W. Pink
"It is supposed that the Holy Spirit quickens only those who believe. But this is to put the cart before the horse. Faith is not the cause of the new birth, but the consequence of it." - A. W. Pink

"We are born spiritually blind, and cannot be restored without a miracle of grace...No sinner ever comes to Christ until the Holy Spirit first comes to him! And no sinner will savingly believe on Christ until the Spirit has communicated faith to him."- A. W. Pink

"Saving faith is not a native product of the human heart, but is a spiritual grace communicated from on High."- A. W. Pink

"The mission of the Holy Spirit in the world today is to apply the benefits of Christ's redemptive sacrifice."- A. W. Pink

"The demands of Christ are too humbling to our natural pride, too searching for the callous conscience, too exacting for our fleshly desires. And a miracle of grace has to be wrought within us before this awful depravity of our nature, this dreadful state of affairs, is changed."- A. W. Pink

"Regeneration is that miracle of Divine grace wrought in the soul which enlists the affections Godward, which brings the human will into subjection to the Divine, and which produces a real and radical change in the life...from worldliness to godliness, from disobedience to obedience." (1 John 2:3, 3:9, 4:7, 5:18) - A. W. Pink

"We are born spiritually blind, and cannot be restored without a miracle of grace. This is thy case, whoever thou art, that art not born again."- A. W. Pink

"In every instance where God has decreed an end, He has also decreed every means to that end. The One who decreed the salvation of His elect also decreed to work faith in them."- A. W. Pink

"Of himself the fallen sinner can no more repent evangelically than he can create a world. "With men it is impossible" rules out of court all special pleading for the power of man's will. Nothing but a miracle of grace can lead to the saving of any sinner. - A. W. Pink

"A natural faith is sufficient for trusting a human object; but a supernatural faith is required to savingly trust in a Divine object."- A. W. Pink

"To declare that God helps those who help themselves, is to repudiate one of the most precious truths taught in the Bible, and in the Bible alone; namely, that God helps those who are unable to help themselves, who have tried again and again only to fail."- A. W. Pink

" supernaturally revealed and applied to the heirs of salvation by the Holy Spirit, when, where, and as He pleases, and not when, where, and how men please."- A. W. Pink

"to mortify the lusts of the flesh, to be crucified unto the world, to overcome the Devil, to die daily unto sin and live unto righteousness, to be meek and lowly in heart, trustful and obedient, pious and patient, loving and gentle is a task far, far beyond the poor resources of fallen human nature."- A. W. Pink

D. M. Lloyd-Jones
"Grace is in no sense contingent upon or dependent upon what man does." - D. M. Lloyd Jones

"God, through the gospel and by the Holy Spirit, sends out this general call to the whole world, but He calls certain people in particular, and no man is a Christian unless he is called in this special sense. They are people in whom the Word of God has been made effective; it has come to them in power, it has come as a command which they find to be irresistible, and they readily respond to it with the whole of their being."" Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"A Christian is the result of the operation of God, nothing less, nothing else. No man can make himself a Christian; God alone makes Christians... A Christian is one who has been created anew; and there is only One who can create, namely, God. It takes the power of God to make a Christian."
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"In every view of salvation the place given in it to the glory of God provides the ultimate test. The proof that it is truly scriptural is that it gives ALL the glory to God."- Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"The extent of man's fall is so great and extensive that no man by the exercise of his own will or understanding can ever save himself or become a Christian." - Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Exposition of Ephesians

"If God did not make this call effectual for the people whom He has marked out they would not believe. This is the way in which God guarantees their full salavtion and glorification. He calls them in such an effectual manner by the Spirit that this is what they now desire above everything else."
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"Why is it that some have believed? It is because the Spirit has sanctified them, has set them apart, has called them out. It is the call of the Spirit; it is the work of the Spirit in conviction, and calling out, and giving power to believe."- Martyn Lloyd-Jones
"Our Lord did not come to tell us what we have to do in order to save ourselves; He came to save us... The Christian doctrine of salvation and redemption is this - that Christ Himself is the salvation."- Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"If a man is saved it is because God saves him; if he is lost it is because he has not believed. Paul teaches both and we must not try to get rid of either."
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"No man can believe the gospel in and of himself; the power of the Spirit alone can lead anyone to belief; without it we are spiritually dead and lost and ruined, and under the wrath of God."- Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"A Christian is the result of the operation of God, nothing less, nothing else. No man can make himself a Christian; God alone makes Christians... A Christian is one who has been created anew; and there is only One who can create, namely, God. It takes the power of God to make a Christian."
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"God causes the word of the gospel, which is preached to all creatures, to come to these people whom He has foreknown, with power, the power of the Holy Ghost."- Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"Our very believing is the result of the power of God... There is a strong tendency to talk in a superficial manner about believing, as if it were an easy thing which any man can do if he feels disposed to it. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"If you are clear in your theology and in your doctrine you will know that no natural man can believe the gospel... So if you expect a natural man to believe the gospel simply because you are putting it to him, you are denying the gospel; you have not understood it yourself."- Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"There has been so much emphasis upon decision, receiving, yielding, being willing, and giving ourselves that salvation is regarded almost exclusively in terms of our activity... [But] We do not give birth to ourselves, we are not reborn because we believe. We believe be...cause we are reborn."
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"We can do nothing, it is all of God... If God had not quickened us we should still be dead. A dead man cannot give himself life. God quickened us, and because God has put new life into us we are alive in Christ Jesus, and in the realm of the Spirit."- Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"If we hold that we become regenerate because we have already believed, then we have to show why we need to be regenerated at all... The doctrine of regeneration has a great deal to say about election and this doctrine of divine choice... The natural man hates this doctrine more than any other."
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones
J. I. Packer
"Infants do not induce, or cooperate in, their own procreation and birth; no more can those who are 'dead in trespapasses and sins' prompt the quickening operation of God's Spirit within them."
- J I Packer

"...sinners cannot obey the gospel, any more than the law, without renewal of heart."- J I Packer

"As grace led me to faith in the first place, so grace will keep me believing to the end. Faith, both in its origin and continuance, is a gift of grace."- J I Packer

"You thank God [for your salvation] because "you do not attribute your repenting and believing to your own wisdom, or prudence, or sound judgment, or good sense."- J I Packer

"The saving power of the cross does not depend on faith being addded to it; its saving power is such that faith flows from it"- J I Packer

"The gift of sonship to God becomes ours not through being born, but through being born again."- J I Packer

"God is triune; there are within the Godhead three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; and the work of salvation is one in which all three act together, the Father purposing redemption, the Son securing it and the Spirit applying it."- J I Packer

"We do not make friends with God; God makes friends with us, bringing us to know him by making his love known to us...The word know, when used of God in this way, is a sovereign-grace word, pointing to God's initiative in loving, choosing, redeeming, calling and preserving."- J I Packer

"It cannot be over-emphasised that we have not seen the full meaning of the Cross till we have seen it as the divines of Dort display it—as the centre of the gospel, flanked on the one hand by total inability and unconditional election, and on the other by irresistible grace and final preservation. - J I Packer

J. I. Packer was recently asked, "which theological issues he would commend young Christian leaders to study in order to be prepared for the next fifty years.?" His number one answer was Regeneration — He said that the doctrine of regeneration has not been fully appreciated by many who do not understand that to be born again with a new heart and new nature means that we have at our deepest level a new identity and new passionate desires for God’s Word and ways. He commended to all young Christian leaders a thorough study on the doctrine of regeneration.
Wayne Grudem
Regeneration is a secret act of God in which he imparts new spiritual life to us. As the gospel comes to us, God speaks through it to summon us to himself (effective calling) and to give us new spiritual life (regeneration) so that we are enabled to respond in faith. Effective calling is thus God that Father speaking powerfully to us, and regeneration is God that Father and God the Holy Spirit working powerfully in us, to make us alive. Sometimes the term irresistible grace is used in this connection. It refers to the fact that God effectively calls people and also gives them regeneration, and both actions guarantee that we will respond in saving faith. The term irresistible grace is subject to misunderstanding, however, since it seems to imply that people do not make a voluntary choice in responding to the gospel - a wrong idea, and a wrong understanding of the term irresistible grace. The term does preserve something valuable, however, because it indicates that God's work reaches into our hearts to bring about a response that is absolutely certain - even tough we respond voluntarily. - Wayne Grudem from Systematic Theology (pg. 699)
John Piper
"Faith is the evidence of new birth, not the cause of it."- JOHN PIPER
John Murray
"Regeneration is inseperable from its effects and one of its effects is faith." - John Murray

"We are not born again by repentance or faith or conversion: we repent and believe because we have been born again." - John Murray

"The embrace of Christ in faith is the first evidence of regeneration and only thus may we know that we have been regenerated." - John Murray
R. C. Sproul
"Regeneration Precedes Faith" - R. C. Sproul
"No sinner has the right to say with impunity, 'God you owe me grace.' If grace is owed, it is not grace. The very essence of grace is its voluntary character. God reserves to himself the sovereign, absolute right to give grace to some and withhold that grace from others." - R.C. Sproul
Iain Murray
"Non-Christians are in a condition of blindness and bondage. They are under a power greater than the will of man and from which only Christ can set them free." - Iain Murray

"The error of Arminianism is not that it holds the Biblical doctrine of responsibility, but that it equates this doctrine with an un-Biblical doctrine of 'free-will' and preaches the two things as if they were synonymous." - Iain Murray, The Forgotten Spurgeon
"To make human action the cause of divine blessing is to overturn the whole nature of salvation." - Iain Murray
"To cut off the sinner from all reliance upon himself, his merits and his powers; and throw him, naked and helpless, into the hands of the Holy Spirit to lead him to Christ in faith; should be the one great aim of the ministry." - Ichabod Spencer

The new life is not imparted because man perceives the truth, but he perceives the truth because the new life is imparted. A man is not regenerated because he has first believed in Christ, but he believes in Christ because he has been regenerated." - W. T. Shedd

"...though man by his sin has lost his power to obey the will of God in a right manner, yet God has not lost his authority to command; which he may use without obliging himself to find man sufficient strength to act in obedience to it." - John Gill

Even though the Holy Spirit could accomplish this without means, it pleases Him to use the Word as a means. Nevertheless He immediately (that is, without means) touches the soul in a manner not known to us, exerting a creative power similar as at the time of creation when He moved upon the face of the waters. The Hebrew uses the word מְרַחֶפֶת  (Merachepheth), which is indicative of motion that forms and brings forth. As I stated, the Spirit uses the Word in regeneration. “Of His own will begat He us with the Word of truth” (James 1:18); “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever” (1 Pet. 1:23).
—Wilhelmus â Brakel “The Christian’s Reasonable Service”
"Before faith and obedience become acts of man they are gifts of God." - R.B. Kuyper

"Whatever contribution men make to their salvation they make by the grace of God. And that makes salvation the work of grace a hundred percent."
- R. B. Kuiper

"Regeneration, however it is described, is a divine activity in us, in which we are not the actors but the recipients." - Sinclair Ferguson

If salvation is the implantation of a new, infinite life in the soul, it must be a work of God. Self-caused effects can never rise above the characer or qualities of their cause. "Flesh gives birth to flesh but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit," Jesus told Nicodemus. This saving grace cannot be caused by the creature, it can only come from God. - John Hannah from To God be the Glory (pg. 34-5)

"Because He is gracious, God takes the initiative, drawing the sinner (John 6:44, 65), granting repentance (Acts 3:26; 5:31; 11:18), and awakening the heart to faith (Acts 13:48; 16:14). Every aspect of the believer's response--conviction, repentance, and faith--is the result of God's gracious work in the heart...."Scripture teaches that sanctification begins at conversion. The process of practical sanctification is launched by God's regenerating work, when He graciously gives the sinner a new heart and a new spirit of obedience (Ezekiel 11:19-20; 36:26-27; 2 Corinthians 5:17)."- John MacArthur

The fruit of regeneration is faith." - Steven Lawson

"All that is necessary for salvation is accomplished in Christ's work, even the guarantee of its application." - Ernest Reisinger

"Grace is not a reward for faith; faith is the result of grace." - John Blanchard

"Regeneration is the fountain, sanctification is the river." - J Sidlow Baxter

"God does not expect any good in us but what He has wrought in us." - Anon

"Whatever the details and steps of the work of redemption, all must be traced up to this original fountain, the sovereign grace and mercy of our God... The eternal, free, unchangeable, inexhaustible mercy of our God revealed through his dear Son Jesus Christ." - Edward Bickersteth

Grace is not like a box of candy that you can send back if you don't want it. Grace is divine favor, an attitude of God's own heart. We cannot stop him from loving us, if he chooses to do so. Nor can we stop him from giving us blessings of salvation: regeneration, justification, adoption, sanctification, glorification. His purpose in us will certainly be fulfilled, Phil. 1:6, Eph. 1:11. - John Frame

If salvation is the implantation of a new, infinite life in the soul, it must be a work of God. Self-caused effects can never rise above the character or qualities of their cause. "Flesh gives birth to flesh but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit," Jesus told Nicodemus. This saving grace cannot be caused by the creature, it can only come from God.
John Hannah from To God be the Glory (pg. 34-5)

"All men's hearts are fully set in them to do evil, and would certainly continue impenitent did not God, out of His gracious purpose, efficaciously persuade some to come to Him." - R.L. Dabney

"The [Roman Catholic] Council of Trent anathematizes anyone who says you can be saved without the grace of God. The Reformers, however, never claimed Rome believed you can be saved apart from grace. That wasn't the debate. The debate of the Reformation was never, ever about the necessity of grace, it was always about the sufficiency of grace. That remains the issue today in so many contexts." - James White

"It is wrong to suppose that the doctrine of justification by faith alone, that storm center of the Reformation, was the crucial question in the minds of such theologians as Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, Martin Bucer, and John Calvin. This doctrine was important to the Reformers because it helped to express and to safeguard their answer to another, more vital, question, namely, whether sinners are wholly helpless in their sin, and whether God is to be thought of as saving them by free, unconditional, invincible grace, not only justifying them for Christ's sake when they come to faith, but also raising them from the death of sin by His quickening Spirit in order to bring them to faith." - Michael Haykin

"Yet, after all, faith is not our righteousness. It is accounted to us in order to righteousness (Rom 4:5, GREEK), but not as righteousness; for in that case it would be a work like any other doing of man, and as such would be incompatible with the righteousness of the Son of God; the righteousness which is by faith. Faith connects us with the righteousness, and is therefore totally distinct from it. To confound the one with the other is to subvert the whole gospel of the grace of God. Our act of faith must ever be a separate thing from that which we believe." - Horatius Bonar

"Faith is not our physician; it only brings us to the Physician. It is not even our medicine; it only administers the medicine, divinely prepared by Him who healeth all our diseases. In all our believing, let us remember God's word to Israel: I am Jehovah, that healeth thee (Exod. 14:26). Our faith is but our touching Jesus; and what is even this, in reality, but His touching us?" - Horatius Bonar

"Faith is not our saviour. It was not faith that was born at Bethlehem and died on Golgotha for us. It was not faith that loved us, and gave itself for us; that bore our sins in its own body on the tree; that died and rose again for our sins. Faith is one thing, the Saviour is another. Faith is one thing, and the cross is another. Let us not confound them, nor ascribe to a poor, imperfect act of man, that which belongs exclusively to the Son of the Living God." - Horatius Bonar

"...the cross saves completely, or not at all. Our faith does not divide the work of salvation between itself and the cross. It is the acknowledgment that the cross alone saves, and that it saves alone. Faith adds nothing to the cross, nor to its healing virtue." - Horatius Bonar

"Faith is the acknowledgment of the entire absence of all goodness in us, and the recognition of the cross as the substitute for all the want on our part. Faith saves, because it owns the complete salvation of another, and not because it contributes anything to that salvation. There is no dividing or sharing the work between our own belief and Him in whom we believe. The whole work is His, not ours, from the first to last." - Horatius Bonar
Cambridge Declaration
"God's grace in Christ is not merely necessary but is the sole efficient cause of salvation... We deny that salvation is in any sense a human work. Human methods, techniques or strategies by themselves cannot accomplish this transformation. Faith is not produced by our unregenerated human nature."
- Cambridge Declaration