
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Praise Factory intro...

Praise Factory – 4 volunteers: High Priest, (2 sheep/ 2 goats), and a pull
Items needed: picture of bull, 2 of sheep, 2 of goats – laminated, hole-punch, red twine and blue painters tape, red spray bottle.

As night falls near Jerusalem most people head indoors to bed, all except the shepards. The shepards are still up and even at night they stand guard over their flocks of cattle, sheep and goats. Their job is to watch over them and protect them from wild animals and thieves. The animals were useful for many things but most importantly for God’s people many of these animals were used as sacrifices that they offered up to God as a sign of their desire to repent – turn from their sin and trust in God to save them. God received these offerings in repentance and faith and allowed the Jews to remain His people.

So many bulls, sheep and goats were offered up to God each year that the priests needed special Temple flocks of animals to be kept nearby in the hills of Bethlehem just for Temple sacrifices. Night and day - every day, 2 lambs were brought to the Priests and sacrificed for the sins of God’s people.

And each year for the Day of Atonement the High Priest would offer up the blood of a bull for his sin so he could enter into God’s presence. Then 2 goats were brought to the High Priest. A red thread was tied around the neck of the goat chosen as the people’s sin offering. When that goat was killed its blood was gathered and sprinkled on everything in the Temple. This was a symbol that the Lord counted the blood offering as purifying the things in the Temple of the people’s sin so that God’s presence could continue to dwell among them another year.

The 2nd goat had a red thread tied around its head and it was chosen to be the scapegoat. The high priest laid his hands on the goat’s head and confessed Israel’s sins and the goat was taken away, outside of town and pushed off a cliff, By its death the Lord counted Israel’s sins as taken away and punished so they could keep worshiping God for another year.

Without the many animals and without the dedicated priests and shepards there would be no sacrifices. But ultimately animal blood could never take away the stain of human sin. Only the perfect blood of a perfect human could be the perfect substitute. This is why God sent Jesus to be born right where the Temple flocks were kept near Bethlehem in a stable because he came to be our perfect sacrifice. That night when God came down to live amongst us the angels appeared to the shepards and announced the birth of Jesus. From that night on Jesus always did what His Father wanted Him to do and He always said what the Father wanted Him to say. He kept God’s Law perfectly and when he offered up His life on the cross as the perfect substitute sin-offering for God’s people, he also became the perfect scapegoat carrying away our sins. When Jesus went back to heaven he also became the perfect High Priest for believers offering up His own perfect blood for sin - this was the final sacrifice – sin and death were conquered by Jesus.

Closing prayer:

Let’s close with prayer:
We thank you Father that you, yourself provided the perfect sacrifice for sin that you required and we needed. We confess that we too are sinners in need of repentance and trust in Jesus. Thank you Christ for giving your life to save your people. We ask that your Spirit works this repentance and trust not only in our lives but the lives of our friends and family. We honor you Lord, thank you. Amen

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