
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

10 Commandments of Satan

1 (no other gods) - If God is Just then he or she will accept all worship of all gods as legitimate worship of him/her; even atheistic humanism - which worships self.

2 (graven images) God knows that mankind is a visual creature so if you need a picture, statue, idol, necklace, key chain or image to relate to then God is okay with that, He gets it - beside He's the one who made you a visual creature, right?

3 (His name in vain) God loves to hear his own name! So anytime you can throw in a exclaiming OMG! or a surprised Sweet Jesus! or a frustrated Jesus H Christ! or a Yahweh this or Jehovah that, its cool.

4 (Sabbath) Take, at least, one day a week for yourself, relax and meditate on how special, precious, unique you are, just like everyone else!

5 (father/mother) When you're a young adult you know that your parents don't know Jack! They don't "get you" or understand your life - so go do what you want and if they really loved you they would support you in your sinful lifestyle. Then once you get older you'll realize that if you were the parent you would have done everything different, better. Don't worry you'll have time to be bitter about it when your middle-aged.

6 (murder) You probably shouldn't murder unless you think the cause is Just and if that's the case then be the best murderer you can be, lie to the cops and frame someone else, that way you get away with it, oh and do something ghastly to the corpse - from my experience the less that's left, then the less evidence they'll have to convict you. Reasonable doubt, you can do this, just believe in yourself!

7 (adultery) Like murder you don't want to commit adultery, unless you deem it necessary, or you're really "in love" with this new person, or your partner "deserves" it because they don't do enough for you or treat you like you're royalty.  Your Father is a king in Heaven, right? Then don't you deserve to have people bow down to you as a Royal Prince or Princess?

8 (stealing) Again, you don't want to steal unless, you really, really want the thing or need it or think your life may be better with it. If so, then you deserve it!

9 (false witness) These are the only 3 acceptable reasons to lie - that I can think of off-hand if you can think of others then those are okay too - 1st if you don't lie you know it means you'll get into trouble, 2nd you think that if you don't lie you'll get into trouble, 3rd for a more successful business venture/outcome.

10 (covet) You see something you want - don't forget about it, desire it deeply, dwell on it, and since you're so smart you'll find a way to get it, even if it leads you to break one these above commandments!

Good Luck and Lucifer be praised forever,

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