John 4: 43-54 Sunday school
Opening quote – “My graces languish, my
corruptions rage, my faith is weak, my devotion is cold, yet all of these are
reasons why His healing hand should be laid upon me.” C. H. Spurgeon.
Jesus Heals
an Official's Son – have someone else read
43 After the two days he departed for Galilee. 44 (For
Jesus himself had testified that a prophet has no honor in his own hometown.) 45 So
when he came to Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him, having seen all that he
had done in Jerusalem at the feast. For they too had gone to the feast.
46 So he came again to Cana in Galilee, where he had
made the water wine. And at Capernaum there was an official whose son was ill. 47 When
this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and
asked him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. 48 So
Jesus said to him, “Unless you[c] see signs
and wonders you will not believe.” 49 The official said to him,
“Sir, come down before my child dies.” 50 Jesus said to him,
“Go; your son will live.” The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and
went on his way. 51 As he was going down, his servants[d] met him and
told him that his son was recovering. 52 So he asked them the
hour when he began to get better, and they said to him, “Yesterday at the
seventh hour[e] the fever
left him.” 53 The father knew that was the hour when Jesus had
said to him, “Your son will live.” And he himself believed, and all his
household. 54 This was now the second sign that Jesus did when
he had come from Judea to Galilee.
Have someone
pray …
Mine - After 2 days Jesus left there
& went to Galilee, as Jesus says a prophet has no honor in his own
country. The Father was a nobleman &
his son was sick, knocking on death’s door.
His honors & titles were useless against this enemy & provided
no security against his son’s impending death.
Our passage today shows us that even great men must humble themselves
before Christ, and teaches us perseverance: that the official doesn’t
stop from his request until he prevails.
His request shows 3 things: 1st his concern for his son, 2nd
his inability to save his son himself & 3rd his faith in the
power of Christ to do what he says he can do.
This should give us some sense of comfort as well that we may call on
God through he is not visibly present here & now just like Christ was not
visibly present where the son was & yet distance & time, these
are no hindrance to the mercy & power of our Lord to heal. The father left trusting Christ & this
part is easy to overlook but the passage does not imply he rushed home
as you think he would to his dying son.
He merely “went on his way”, being satisfied, he did not hurry home that
night, but returned as one easy in his own mind. His servants met him on the road with the
news of the child’s recovery, just like the Good News (the Gospel) makes it’s
way to those its intended for.
we are diligent in comparing Christ’s words with his works, we are
confirmed in our faith of him. And this
is the bigger miracle than the healing, the father was not content in his “good
luck” at finding a healer or even his healed son but came to realize the
fullness of who Christ was & that brought both him & his family to
saving faith. This miracle made Jesus
dear to the Nobleman’s family. Even
today the knowledge of Christ spreads through families and gives health &
salvation for their souls.
Mine - So what we are going to look at
today is the healings & miracles of Jesus, what was their point, why did
they happen, how did they happen & to whom did they happen? Now I’m going
to ask these questions of you guys & don’t limit yourself to just this
passage think about all the stories of healings & miracles in the Bible. Theologically we often think of Jesus’
healings in 3 different forms, can you guess what they are? The answers are: 1 - cures from physical
ailments, 2 – exorcisms or freedom from demon oppression & 3 – complete resurrections.
How about why did Jesus heal people? There are several reasons: 1 –
J had power & authority to do so *Miracles
flowed from Jesus like heat from the sun, wetness from a waterfall or dry winds
from a desert, 2 – J had compassion equal to his power, *He healed people everywhere he went because
he felt their pain, 3 – as a symbol of forgiveness *He guaranteed the ultimate glory of the human body in His resurrection
but forecasted it to us in healing the bodies of others, 4- symbolized his power over Satan *Satan hates God so compulsively, but his
only recourse is to harm the humanity made in His image, 5 – as proof that he was the Christ of God *In Christ’s works lurked evidence that God
Almighty lived in human form & loved the humanity created in His image.
Who did Jesus heal? Give me some examples of the types of people
Jesus healed? Both Jew & Gentile, both those near & those far away.
How did Jesus heal? Give me some examples of ways in which he
healed people? Jesus healed in various ways, both by touch & by word.
Here’s one that I heard a lot as a
kid, did Jesus & the Apostles heal
only those of faith? No, both ex. Lazarus didn’t “have faith” that he’d be
made well yet Jesus healed him, the paralytic man lowered from the rooftop into
the room Jesus was teaching in, Jesus said it was the friends that had faith
not the paralytic man.
Did Jesus & the apostles heal everyone without exception? No
ex. Jesus at the pool of Bethesda, he only healed 1 of the dozens sick or
injured around the pool. Apostle Paul mentions a few in his letters that were
sick & not miraculously healed. Paul recommends wine to young pastor
Timothy for medicinal purposes, he refers to Trophemus who was too sick to go
on a missions trip & Epaphroditus who was so sick he almost died & even
Paul himself who God did not heal his “thorn in the flesh.” Why do you think God doesn’t heal everyone?
back to our passage…. When he went to Galilee they received him, they welcomed
him having heard of his deeds in Jerusalem.
Jesus left Judea for Galilee because he had encountered serious
hostility from officials in Jerusalem in fact many welcomed him as long as he
was merely performing miracles…call it the Obamacare of 1st
century. But ultimately they gave him no
real honor as a teacher or trusted in him as their Messiah.
nobleman sought Christ out initially for his power & gifts. Today likewise faith healers pack out
stadiums with many people with little concern for the gospel of grace or
salvation but are merely hopeless with chronic & often-incurable diseases,
desperate with afflictions, they pursue Him for the benefit they could derive
from Him without any sense of repentance or any willingness to receive Him as
their savior.
nobleman was a man of wealth & status, a man capable of consulting the best
physicians of his day, but ultimately he had to come to Jesus. He came with an earthly need & Jesus sent
him home with a Heavenly answer of who Jesus really was. It was a stern rebuke, “unless you see signs
& wonders, you wont believe.”
the Nobleman did not argue theology with Jesus but instead pleaded, “Come down
before my child dies!” I wish I knew how
Jesus said what he did or how the official believed Jesus without dragging
Christ home to heal his son but the passage says he did believe Jesus. Despite his desperation, he heard the promise
of Christ & he believed it. He
trusted the word of Christ. He didn’t
say skeptically, “I’ll go home & see if it’s true.” Rather he grew calm, stopped pleading &
remember when he made it near home & his servants desperate to reassure him
said, “Your son lives!” Now you & I
may have cried for joy, or leap in the air, instead the nobleman asks a
question…about when it happened & he knew it was when Jesus said it would
be done and with that he believed & his whole HH. This was a glimpse of the person of Christ,
the person who by His command, by His word brings life out of death, safety out
of danger, healing out of disease, & salvation out of lost-ness.
to close the ultimate healing a Christian should expect is twofold: 1st
most importantly its from the sickness of sin (over mere physical sickness) but
2 that ultimate physical healing will not come until the resurrection of the
dead, along with sinlessness & glorified bodies in the new heaves & new
earth in the paradise to come.