
Monday, September 3, 2012

Bible reading commandment

Commandment Eight: Remember that the Bible wasn’t written by one person.

It is incorrect to say “the Bible says.”
The Bible is a set of 66 books written by almost as many people and collected into one volume. Therefore, the “Bible” doesn’t say anything by itself. That is like saying that the “library says” when you are quoting one reference from a book in the library.
Those who speak this way think that the Bible is one book and it is not.
The Bible is another word for collection of books or assembly of books. One should always say, “Amos says....” or “the writer of Hebrews says....” To constantly be quoting the “Bible” as one resource or one source book is incorrect.
It is worse than incorrect because it gives a false understanding of what the books of the Bible are.
The writers of the books of the Bible had some individual or corporate encounter with God. They wrote the encounter down as they experienced it or how it was related to them in the oral tradition of the people who had experienced the encounter.
Since they wrote the truth, the words of the Bible are a revelation from God. The word “revelation” simply means that God, through the relating of these encounters through writers who wrote down the accounts of the encounters, God reveals, or uncovers things about himself and the universe that could not have been known otherwise.
In this sense, the books of the Bible are the word of God because they record, relate, and explain the words that God spoke to them or to the people who had encounters with God.
Evidently, this is the way that God has chosen to reveal himself to mankind.
Through encounters with individuals, families and nations, God tells things about the universe and himself. Then, the writers who record the encounters pass along the truths of the interaction so that all who read about it have the chance to have the same interaction with God.
In this sense, the recorders and explainers of the encounters with God wrote the word of God. Since this is the way that God seems to have chosen to reveal himself, the books of the Bible have a mystical and mysterious aspect to them.
If one reads the account or explanation of the God- encounter, the reader sees how God revealed himself in the encounter and thereby participates in it.

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