
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Liar, Lunatic or really the Lord?

Personally, I am not a Christian because the "church" gives me a warm fuzzy deep down in my tummy; even as a Pagan I was always a big fan & student of ancient civilizations (I even asked Sandra Hasty if we could name our first boy Alexander the Great Hasty cause he was my childhood hero) but now I am a Christian because I've personally studied the history of Jesus & his time and have been proven that the eyewitness testimony from the 1st Century & including Jewish & Roman opponents all corroborate what the NT says about Jesus, who he was, what he could do. You may decide he's a Liar, Lunatic or really the Lord but what he certainly wasn't was just some average moralist & teacher of niceties as so many in America think today.

B. P. Hasty quote

B. P. Hasty quote, "When I wanna read about sex & violence, all powerful entities, aliens & extra-dimensional beings - I reach for my Bible. And when I need a breather & some time to reboot my mind from Theological studies I read a Marvel graphic novel."

President Barack Obama visits The Reformed Pubcast to talk about craft beer brewing & Arminian Theology

Episode # 21 - President Barack Obama visits The Reformed Pubcast to talk about craft beer brewing & Arminian Theology, check it out

LINK !! 


Here are 22 pages of serious Scientists & their accreditations or positions that disagree with Naturalistic (which means non-directed) Darwinian Evolution


“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural
selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the
evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”

This list was last publicly updated April, 2014. Scientists listed by doctoral degree or current position.

LINK !! 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Isaiah 25:6-9 ESV & the Matthew Henry Commentary

On this mountain (often a reference to Zion or Heaven)
the LORD of hosts will make for all peoples
a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wine,
of rich food full of marrow, of aged wine well refined.

And he will swallow up on this mountain
the covering that is cast over all peoples,
the veil that is spread over all nations.
He will swallow up death forever;
and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces,
and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth,

for the LORD has spoken.
It will be said on that day,
“Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us.

This is the LORD; we have waited for him;
let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.”

(Isaiah 25:6-9 ESV)

The Matthew Henry Commentary:

The kind reception of repentant sinners, is often in the New Testament likened to a feast. The guests invited are all people, Gentiles as well as Jews. There is that in the gospel which strengthens and makes glad the heart, and is fit for those who are under convictions of sin, and mourning for it. There is a veil spread over all nations, for all sat in darkness. But this veil the Lord will destroy, by the light of his gospel shining in the world, and the power of his Spirit opening men's eyes to receive it. He will raise those to spiritual life who were long dead in trespasses and sins. Christ will himself, in his resurrection, triumph over death. Grief shall be banished; there shall be perfect and endless joy. Those that mourn for sin shall be comforted. Those who suffer for Christ shall have consolations. But in the joys of heaven, and not short of them, will fully be brought to pass this saying, God shall wipe away all tears. The hope of this should now do away over-sorrow, all weeping that hinders sowing. Sometimes, in this world God takes away the reproach of his people from among men; however, it will be done fully at the great day. Let us patiently bear sorrow and shame now; both will be done away shortly.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Pagan King Nebuchadnezzar’s Repentance – Daniel Ch. 4 from the OT:

Pagan King Nebuchadnezzar’s Repentance – Daniel Ch. 4

34 At the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High, and praised and honored Him who lives forever,
for His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
    and His kingdom endures from generation to generation;
35 all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing,
    and He does according to His will among the host of heaven
    and among the inhabitants of the earth;
and none can stay His hand
    or say to Him, “What have you done?”
36 At the same time my reason returned to me, and for the glory of my kingdom, my majesty and splendor returned to me. My counselors and my lords sought me, and I was established in my kingdom, and still more greatness was added to me. 37 Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of Heaven, for all His works are right and His ways are just; and those who walk in pride He is able to humble.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Valley of Vision – The Gospel Way.

No human mind could conceive or invent the gospel.
Acting in eternal grace, thou art both its messenger and its message,
lived out on earth through infinite compassion,
applying thy life in insult, injury, death,
that I might be redeemed, ransomed, freed.
Blessed be thou, O Father, for contriving this way,
Eternal thanks to thee, O Lamb of God, for opening this way,
Praise everlasting to thee, O Holy Spirit,
for applying this way to my heart.
Glorious Trinity, impress the gospel on my soul
until its virtue diffuses every faculty;
Let it be heard, acknowledged, professed, felt.
Teach me to secure this mighty blessing;
Help me to give up every darling lust,
to submit heart and life to its command,
to have it in my will,
controlling my affections,
moulding my understanding;
to adhere strictly to the rules of true religion,
not departing from them in any instance,
nor for any advantage in order to escape evil,
inconvenience or danger.
Take me to the cross to seek glory from its infamy;
Strip me of every pleasing pretence of righteousness by my own doings.
O gracious Redeemer,
I have neglected thee too long,
often crucified thee,
crucified thee afresh by my impenitence,
put thee to open shame.
I thank thee for the patience that has borne with me so long,
and for the grace that now makes me willing to be thine.
O unite me to thyself with inseparable bonds,
that nothing may ever draw me back from thee, my Lord, my Saviour.”

["The Gospel Way" in The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions (ed. Arthur Bennett; Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1975), 35.]

Bible Prophecy in "Stacy's Deviled Eggs" ???

Do you look for God's secret whispers in Miracle Whip commercials? No; good you must be sane. But this guy does....William Tapley is a Roman Catholic, mystic, & a prophet of some kind, also he's apparently God's "Third Eagle of the Apocalypse & the Co-prophet of the End Times?"

Beware the eggs! ! !


B. P. Hasty quote,

B. P. Hasty quote, "When I wanna read about sex & violence, all powerful entities, aliens & extra-dimensional beings - I reach for my Bible. And when I need a breather & some time to reboot my mind from Theological studies I read a Marvel graphic novel."

For my friends, enemies, Christians & pagans in Joplin, MO and for any students of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

For my friends, enemies, Christians & pagans in Joplin, MO and for any students of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

When Pastor Heath Mooneyham of Ignite Church .TV in Joplin, MO describes his church he says….

Listen, I’m not gonna lie to you the preaching sucks! But at least its short. But the band is awesome & the people are friendly, and we have a lot of fun. Oh & I’m 1 of the shallowest people on the planet so I talk a lot about myself & my church in my sermons. And I’m not deep (in reference to his preaching) because I’m not smart. If you wanna learn the Bible go read it for yourself! Also I only get to preach here because I got here (at the church) first.

Heath is the single worst preacher that I have ever heard. And I listen to or read about a dozen Orthodox & Heretical preachers every week. Now I am not saying he is intentionally a bad guy. I honestly believe he means well but if anyone ever in 2000 years of Church History needed to beg the people of Joplin, MO to raise funds for him to come up to Kansas City and enroll into Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary its this guy. Please pray with me that Heath does not harm the members of his congregation with his enthusiastic but untrained teaching style. And Midwestern students this is why you guys sacrifice sooo much to be taught correctly before you are sent out into the ministry; this could be a commercial for why Midwestern exists.

And so you don’t accuse me of simply being rude you can listen (for yourself) to Heath say exactly what I’ve posted above at this website…