
Monday, December 4, 2017



Lighting a candle is a simple yet profound act. It is a testimony to the power of light over darkness. Even the light of one candle can reveal our faces as we stand near the candle. As we light the candle, we begin our journey to Christmas, a day of joy and celebration.

The first candle on the Advent wreath is called the Prophecy candle, it opens the period that anticipates Christmas and remembers those who first spoke the promise of the coming Christ child.

[Light one of the blue candles.]

One candle, burning bright,
Chasing away the darkness from light.
One candle, glowing light,
The blessing of God, giving new sight.

From the Psalms

In Psalm 122 we see religious people approaching the holy city of Jerusalem. They are filled with joyous anticipation of worship. Soon they will be in the city and in the temple. Soon they will be in the presence of the Lord. In that context, the psalmist prays for the peace of Jerusalem.

Scripture: Psalm 122

Dear God, on this first Sunday in Advent we begin a spiritual pilgrimage as we joyously anticipate Christmas day, a reminder of the birth of our Savior. As we come to this place of worship, we know that we are in your presence. Give us your peace that through us all may know the peace that Christ brings. In his name we pray. Amen.

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