
Friday, September 2, 2011

classic liberalism (that's theological, not political liberals)!

I've been listing to a lot of seeker-focused, purpose-driven, innovative vision-casting, glory-claiming, community-worshiping, man-centered Idolatry this week in various Charismatic, Emergent, Progressive Liberal non-Churches and I've got to say they are all starting to sound the same. I think Satan's loosing his touch, I mean I would bet money that I could gather up quotes from Early Church Heretics and mix them with Osteen, Bell, McLaren, and all the others from the Anti-disciples list and you couldn't pick out which was which.

They already know what they want you to believe, so let's crack open our Bibles (if their sermons even include the Bible anymore) and make some balloon animals. Too bad Bible twisting isn't an Olympic sport cause I know several Gold Medalists!

My prediction, within 5 years, is that the many of these "churches" will hold Bible recycling programs - hey we don't use them anymore & they're made out of paper so lets recycle them into something useful like another McLaren best seller.

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