
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Calvinistic Baptist authors of the seventeenth century # 3 - Thomas Wilcox

Meet Thomas Wilcox

I recently discovered an old article (LINK) from Dr. Michael Haykin on a very interesting early Reformed Baptist named Thomas Wilcox (1622-1687). Below are a number of historical gems from this article:


1.) The saying: “Praying will make thee leave sinning or sinning will make leave praying.” may have originated with Wilcox.

2.)His A Choice Drop of Honey from the Rock Christ gained him an uncommonly extensive readership for a Calvinistic Baptist. From the article:
Of the numerous Calvinistic Baptist authors of the seventeenth century, there were really only three who were being read extensively a century or two later. John Bunyan was, of course, one. Another was Benjamin Keach. And the third was Thomas Wilcox, about whom we really know very little.

3.) His Baptist convictions did not alienate Him from his other Reformed brethren:
Though a convinced Baptist, Wilcox was catholic enough in his sentiments to be invited frequently to preach among the Presbyterians and Congregationalists.

4.) His book A Choice Drop of Honey from the Rock Christ well captures the Christ-centred piety of the early Calvinistic Baptists. They were true heirs of the Puritans.
Be sure to read the linked article for more.

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