
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Epic Fail X 2 - Rob Bell tries to Tweet the Gospel

First attempt -

I would say that history is headed somewhere. The thousands of little ways in which you are tempted to believe that hope might actually be a legitimate response to the insanity of the world actually can be trusted. And the Christian story is that a tomb is empty, and a movement has actually begun that has been present in a sense all along in creation. And all those times when your cynicism was at odds with an impulse within you that said that this little thing might be about something bigger—those tiny little slivers may in fact be connected to something really, really big.

Not only is this not the Gospel but it was much too long. 

2nd attempt -
The gospel is the counterintuitive, joyous, exuberant news that Jesus has brought the unending, limitless, stunning love of God to even us.

At least the 2nd attempt mentioned Jesus. Its close to the Gospel - but the underlying problem is heresy and rejection of the God revealed in Scripture and of His Word

Here's why, first Rob Bell (I like to call him the RobBellion - like rebellion against God) rejects the Doctrine of Creation, because of that he rejects the Doctrine of Original Sin, because of that he does not believe in God's Word (Doctrine of the Authority of Scripture) which says that we - like the rest of the World - are by nature children of God's Wrath (Doctrine of Eternal Punishment) and that we are both dead in our sins and enslaved to Satan, and without God's help (Doctrine of Regeneration) we are unable to do anything about it but continue to try harder and harder to be Holy and Justify ourselves only to fail again and again and again and again. Which is why God could not wait around for us to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps via our imaginary Free-Wills - He had to put on flesh, come down among us - not as an example  - but God had to take the Wages of our Sins (Doctrine of Substitutionary Atonement, Doctrine of Expiation, Doctrine of Propitiation) on Himself or else we would all be guaranteed Eternity in Hell (which He doesn't believe in). Now that Justice has been paid for Sin's pain & punishment and God's fury has been satisfied by Himself,  He is both Just and the Justifier of those who Believe - no longer in their own good works for Self-Salvation - but in the Finished work of Christ for the forgiveness of their sins (Doctrine of Justification by Faith alone - Sola Fide).

So for all you Theological Liberals who are attempting to Justify yourselves before God by your own good works - feeding the poor, petting stray dogs, scoffing at God's Word, then remember how righteous you have to be - to be righteous enough on your own: 
For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. Lev 11:44
As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:14-16
So how holy is holy? Well Jesus says -
You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matt 5:48 
So remember if you screw up - even once - if you Sin (which means fall short of this required Perfection) then you when you die in your Sin - God's Wrath will still be on you and you will face His Eternal Judgement.  

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