
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Book review –Mathetes

Book review –
Like CS Lewis’ introduction to “the Incarnation of the Word of God” by Athanasius I would implore you to read old books. The reading of old Christian books has helped me greatly back when I was struggling, like many do, with Scripture’s exclusive Truth claims and with unpacking Reformation Theology.
Probably the best, concise treatment on an introduction to classic Christianity that I know of is the Letter to Diogentus by Mathetes (which means Disciple of the Apostles). Written about 130 AD it deals with many debated Christian issues in the Church today.
These topics would include the rejection of Universalism, idolatry, the errors and superstitious observances of the Jews, the manner of Christian living in a fallen world, the hope of Heaven, support for Creation and God-in-flesh in Christ, rejection of post modern uncertainty, the affirmation of Hell as Eternal fire and God’s judgment, Salvation by faith not by works, substitutionary atonement, original sin, teaching Scripture as knowledge worth being taught and believed, and the story of the Garden, tree of life and serpent as historic not mythology or allegory.
So before you fall for the lies of the Emergent “Church” who says we need to ditch historic orthodox Christianity and write our own new Kind of Kristianity first you should spend some time looking at what the Early Church believed, taught and confessed.
Since this short Epistle is strong on God’s mercy and forgiveness, any true Christian who holds to the sound Biblical doctrines of the ancient Church will be comforted by this letter which speaks of God’s call to us from sin and rebellion to trust in Christ and the forgiveness He’s won for us on the Cross. I pray that it will bless you as much as it has blessed me.

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